Fiber Traditions


From 10:00 am Friday until 12:00 pm Sunday

At Brigid's Loft & Bazaar Girls


Last Year in September we co-hosted ‘Shetland Wool Weekend’ with Jorstad Artisan Yarns. The weekend was so fun we decided to do it again on a different weekend. This year we’re keeping our traditional focus, but have decided to expand our celebration of locally grown fiber to include (in addition to Shetland) Icelandic, Gotland, Jacob, and Romney.

We’re excited to have Michael Kelson join our returning team of fantastic teachers; Varian Brandon, Kerry Graber, Jann Hoppler, & Madison Wallace.

The registration fee includes:

Door prizes, and a swag bag full of goodies.

Friday - color workshop, drinks & snacks, ‘Meet The Farmers’ banquet dinner.

Saturday - continental breakfast, two 3-hour classes (of your choice), lunch, evening dessert, and films.

Sunday - continental breakfast, Choose Your Own Adventure.

For a more detailed schedule or to register, scroll to the bottom of this page.

Let the fun begin!

A little about Michael Kelson…

Michael is a software engineering professional whose journey in the fiber arts began in the early 2000s.

On an NPR radio show, "To the Best of our Knowledge," he heard a neurologist discussing the salubrious benefits of knitting as a creative activity that engages both sides of the brain.

Something clicked, and he knew this was the unplugged activity he was looking for! He went to his LYS and signed up for his first knitting class. After that, falling down the rabbit hole of spinning was all but inevitable.

Michael's classes take a sample-based approach to spinning without being overly complex, geeky, or nerdy. From choosing fiber, preparation, draft, ply, and finishing techniques, sometimes minor adjustments have big impacts.

In his classes, Michael helps spinners build on their existing knowledge and experience to dial in their technique to get their perfect yarn

The best workshop feedback Michael ever received was from a student who wrote, "I learned things I didn't even know I needed to know."


Spinning for Lace

Knitters and weavers are surrounded by lace! Would you like to use your handspun with your next lace knitting or weaving project? With lace yarns, one size does not fit all. Lace can be tightly spun worsted, softly spun woolen, or anywhere in between. With a little experimentation and thoughtful choice of fiber and preparation, it’s possible to spin the perfect lace yarn for your next project.

This class will explore techniques for successfully spinning lace yarns. We will discuss what makes a good lace yarn, basic wheel adjustments, techniques for diameter control and spinning consistent singles, evaluating the twist in your singles, and techniques for plying and finishing. We will concentrate on spinning with local Shetland and Gotland.

Skills you will learn:

- Identifying properties that make a good lace yarn;

- How micron count, staple length, crimp structure, and fiber preparation might influence

your spinning choices;

- How to spin with a more consistent diameter and single twist;

- Plying choices for worsted and woolen spun lace yarns;

Prerequisites: Successful students should have a good working relationship with their spinning wheels, be able to spin a consistent single, and have some experience plying and finishing yarn.

Bring A spinning wheel in good working condition with extra bobbins, a notebook, and a lazy Kate (if you have one). Bring any tools you might like to use (hand cards, mini-combs) and any fiber you would like to practice with.

Local Shetland and Gotland will be available to purchase at Bazaar Girls.


Spinning for A Sweater


Are you ready to tackle your first sweater spin? There are many factors, that we as spinners, should consider when we embark on our first sweater spin. The core characteristics of the fiber (e.g. crimp, fineness, hand, prep) will influence the choices we make in spinning and the fabric in our final garment. This class will explore several fibers that might be a great choice for your sweater. We’ll look at local fibers you’re probably familiar with, such as Jacob, Shetland, Gotland, Romney, and Icelandic. We will work on diameter control and consistency, plying and finishing techniques, and how to evaluate your final yarn to make sure you’ll have the perfect fabric for the sweater of your dreams.

Skills you will learn:

- How to assess characteristics of different fibers for the garment you have in mind;

- Techniques for consistency and diameter control;

- How to choose the appropriate draft for your fiber (worsted, woolen, semi-woolen);

- Strategies for plying, finishing, and swatching;

- Evaluating your final fabric.

Prerequisites: Successful students should have a good working relationship with their spinning wheels, be able to spin a consistent single, and have some experience plying and finishing yarn. Bring A spinning wheel in good working condition with extra bobbins, a notebook, and a lazy kate (if you have one). Bring any tools you might like to use (hand cards, mini-combs) and any fiber you would like to practice with.

We will have local fibers available for purchase at Bazaar Girls.

Akashic Record Readings - Katherine T. Kelly, Ph.D., M.S.P.H.



A little about Varian…

Varian Brandon started knitting at eight. A trip to the islands of Great Britain rekindled a love of color and created an interest in Fair Isle design and construction traditions. Currently, she is designing stranded colorwork patterns for several yarn companies, international magazines, and her website.

Varian lives in Saluda, North Carolina, and has been teaching stranded colorwork and related knitting techniques at local yarn shops, regional fiber festivals, and for the past thirteen years at the Kanuga Knitting and Quilting Retreat in Hendersonville, North Carolina which she coordinates. Online, she can be found at or on Ravelry as varianbrandon.


Stranded Colorwork: Getting Started



The class is designed to help the knitter who wants to try stranded colorwork knitting. You’ve seen all of those lovely stranded and Fair Isle designs and want to be able to cast one on for yourself.

In this class, students will work on a simple colorwork cowl…no increases…no decreases…no shaping…simple. The design was created for color to create motifs with only two colors on one round.

To be able to jump right in, there is homework. Yes, there are a lot of stitches to cast on. No, you probably will not be able to finish the project in class. You will, however, start to create muscle memory for a new technique and learn enough to finish the cowl on your your speed.

Warning: this is an extremely addictive form of knitting!

Covered in class: a brief history of stranded colorwork knitting, holding yarns in two hands, reading charts, adding new yarns, securing old yarns, and yarn dominance.

Required skills: knit stitch and working in the round.


Stranded Shawls: two loves, one garment


The class is designed for the knitter who loves stranded colorwork and those drapey shawls that can make an outfit. Is it possible to combine these two loves into one garment? Yes, it is, with the use of steek stitches. Have you never used steeks before? This is a great way to get started!

In this class, students will learn to take shapes popular with lace knitters and create colorful shawls and stoles using stranded knitting techniques. Working with miniatures, we will look at rectangular, triangular, and crescent-shaped shawls with simple stranded motifs that can be expanded into larger garments.

Covered in this class: review of stranded colorwork knitting, using steeks to convert classic shawl shapes to work in stranded knitting, charting stranded shawls, review of reading charts for stranded knitting

Required skills: familiar with stranded colorwork knitting techniques

Homework: required.


Akashic Record Readings - Katherine T. Kelly, Ph.D., M.S.P.H.




A little about Kerry...

I am an avid knitter, spinner of yarn, dyer, designer of patterns, and owner of Jorstad Creek  - A Yarn & Fiber Company. Since starting the yarn and fiber company as a one-person operation, I’ve grown the company into a retail and wholesale endeavor. Jorstad is so much more than I dreamed. It is a local yarn store to our community of Olympia and surrounding areas, a stop-over for travelers on their way to Portland or Seattle, and a destination for knitters looking for our hand-dyed yarn and fiber. For the Jorstad team, the Studio is an idea made real by our own hands. 

A little about Jann...

I am a knitting designer, teacher, and tech editor. I also manage a small publishing company. You can contact me at

Planning to End Well; Options and Techniques for Fine Finishes

Jann Hoppler and Kerry Graber will present how to plan for fine finishes for your knitted projects. So that when the hard work of knitting is done you are set up for success. We will cover seaming in several ways, for a beautiful finish, special blocking methods for unusually shaped pieces, and the tools that help. Also presented are steeked finishes to plan for before you cast on for a visually appealing result.


Akashic Record Readings - Katherine T. Kelly, Ph.D., M.S.P.H.



Spinning Clinic

Spinning under the gentle guidance of Maddy Wallace is an experience not to miss. This is a relaxed spinning circle where you can try various local wool fibers while Maddy talks about each fiber and its traits.


Akashic Record Readings - Katherine T. Kelly, Ph.D., M.S.P.H.

 Full Schedule

Friday Schedule


10 am to 1 pm

Bazaar Girls Yarn Shop


Pick up a weekend bag of goodies

Visit trunk show displays in the store

Lunch on your own

1 pm to 4

Brigid’s Loft

Welcome and Introductions - tea and coffee, snacks

Color Workshop - Further Explorations and Tools for Color Planning

Presented by Kerry Graber and Madison Wallace

Jorstad Artisan Yarns


Banquet dinner and drawings

Meet the shepherds and hear about their farms and fiber!

Preview Saturday’s schedule


Class 1

Class 2

Class 3

9 am to 12

Varian Brandon -

“Stranded Colorwork - Getting Started”

Michael Kelson – “Spinning

For Sweaters” using local fibers

Jann Hoppler with Kerry Graber – “Planning to Finish Well” - options and techniques for fine finishes

12 to 1:30

Box lunch provided

Box lunch provided

Box lunch provided

1:30 to 4:30

Varian Brandon -

“Stranded Colorwork Shawls” - using steeks to convert classic shawl shapes

Michael Kelson – “Spinning for Lace” using local fibers

Spinning Clinic - try some local fibers under the gentle guidance of Maddy Wallace

Dinner on your own


7 pm to 8:30

Dessert at Brigid’s Loft

Film Festival

Wrap up the day and draw prizes.




10 am to 12

Brigid’s Loft

Choose Your Own Adventure!

The No-Mess Dye Table - try using dye tinctures in jars. It’s easy, no fuss, no mess dyeing you can try it here and then have success at home; with Kerry Graber of Jorstad Artisan Yarns

Spinning circle with Maddy Wallace

Try it: Drop Spindling with Maddy. Give it a whorl, or perfect your technique with help from a skilled spinner.

Varian’s Hands-on Table of Steeks


Your tuition is refundable, sans a $150 cancellation fee, until September 1, 2024 After that, we regret that all cancellations are non-refundable.


Places to stay!

Historic Port Townsend is a beautiful little harbor town with several accommodation options. Brigid's Loft is within walking distance of The Palace, The Swan, and The Bishop Hotels.

The Bishop Hotel 360-302-6984

The Palace Hotel 360-385-0773

The Swan Hotel 360-385-1718

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5 thoughts on “Fiber Traditions

  • numahka Swan Post author

    Hi Mary,
    I’m sure we can work something out. Call the shop (360)379-9273 between 10 am & 6 pm Thursday – Monday, and ask for Kerri.

  • Heidi Parkington-Thal

    I just registered for the November 1-3 Fiber Traditions. It is important to me to attend the workshops that interest me: Jann Hoppler with Kerry Graber – “Planning to Finish Well” – options and techniques for fine finishes and “Stranded Colorwork Shawls” – using steeks to convert classic shawl shapes. Are you able to confirm that this won’t be a problem? I might do spinning someday but am not interested at this time. Thanks, Heidi