Getaway Retreat 2019


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From 12:30 pm Thursday until 12:30 pm Sunday

At Northwest Maritime Center

431 Water Street Port Townsend, WA 98368


We're thrilled to announce our third

Bazaar Girls Getaway Retreat!

Thursday, March 14 - Sunday, March 17, 2019


Lorilee Beltman, Carson Demers

and Ann Budd!

The retreat will be held Thursday, March 14 - Sunday, March 17, 2019 at the Northwest Maritime Center, which is just a block down the road from our shop!

Spend four days knitting in a beautiful place, surrounded by expert teachers, Indie dyers, and fellow fiber fanatics!

We recommend early registration. Last year's returning participants nearly filled our event and based on a show of hands, we are expecting the same this year!

Ann Budd kicks off this years event with an informal class for all participants, sharing her favorite knitting tricks and lore. Ann will also be available for one on one consultations through out the retreat as the "Knit Dr." So be sure to bring any projects and questions that have stalled your knitting.

We've also included free time to just sit and knit with your tribe.

Register early to secure your spot AND save $50!

The Maritime Center is a short walk from our shop.


There will be plenty of opportunity to visit our shop during "off" hours.


Each participant will get three 3-hour classes with Lorilee and Carson, plus a private appointment with the Knit Doctor.


A little bit about Lorilee...

Lorilee Beltman collects experiences while camping in National Parks, where she finds the prettiest spots to sit and knit. She’s known for her patience in the classroom and her ability to communicate clearly and kindly. Her students are curious knitters who want to improve their confidence and broaden their skill sets. Lorilee has conducted classes at national events since 2009, and is the Techniques Columnist at and online instructor at Craftsy and Interweave. Her designs and articles have been published in numerous books and magazines. Lorilee grew up in Pittsburgh, lived in Grand Rapids for twenty-five years, and now calls Seattle home. You can find Lorilee at

Lorilee will teach the following classes...

Pure Magic

Estonians have been using it since the 1970s. Americans were turned on to it when Judy Becker taught us via Knitty in 2006. If you haven’t learned it yet, here’s the perfect opportunity to learn and apply the Magic Cast-On. What’s exciting is all the possibilities it offers to knitters! We will learn it , then work through ways to apply it.

Symmetrical lace scarves? you don’t have to use and pick out waste yarn. Shawls that start with a garter-stitch tab? You don’t have to pick up stitches on that icky cast-on edge. Toe-up socks? You don’t have to tighten up loose stitches from Turkish or figure-8 cast-ons, plus we will learn a common wedge toe and a rounded toe version. Infinity loop cowls? You don’t have to pick out the waste yarn of a provisional cast-on. Hems? you don’t have to sew down, and you don’t have to pick up bumps of a long-tail cast-on and wonder if you’re in the right column. This is general knitting knowledge you will apply to many areas of your knitting life.

Note: There is overlap between this class and Lorilee’s Professional Looking Cuffs class.

-About 50 grams worsted-weight wool or wool blend yarn in a color that is easy to use.
-Only circular needles 32-40 inches long (24 inches is too short). Bring a needle kit or three needles in a range of sizes appropriate for worsted-weight yarn. A specific gauge is not critical for this class.
-Blunt tapestry needle


Cabling Without a Cable Needle

Don’t you love gorgeous textured knits with cables? Do you find that working cables slows you down too much? This class is for you even if you’re new to cabling. You'll learn how to cross those cables in many configurations without the assistance of a cable needle and how to identify cable manipulations from charted symbols.

A tidy appearance is important, too. Have you ever noticed that the left-most stitch looks sloppy in cables (and ribbing)? Are you familiar with the term “man-spreading” ? Well, this stitch looks like it have taken it’s seat and done just that. You'll learn why it happens and how to teach that stitch some manners! Class also includes tips for keeping track of when it’s time for the cabling action row.

What you’ll learn is nothing new to knitting. The photo accompanying this class shows some cables and an illustration form a decades-old Estonian knitting book. Fascinating!

Note: Should be comfortable knitting, purling and following pattern directions, but experience cabling is not necessary.

-50 grams of smooth, light color, solid color 3- or 4-ply wool or wool blend yarn. Please no single-ply yarn and no yarn with more than 4 plies.
-Size U.S. 5 to 7 (3.75 to 4.5 mm) straight or circular (at least 24" long) needles. Sharp-point needles will make this class much easier than needles with dull, rounded tips.
-Basic knitting notions including sharp scissors, note paper, pen or pencil with eraser, stitch markers, tapestry needle (large and small), tape measure, calculator, knitting needles and crochet hooks of various sizes.

Using materials listed, cast on 45 stitches using your favorite method.
Rows 1 and 3 (RS): [P3, k2] twice, [p3, k4] twice, [p3, k6] twice, p3.
Rows 2 and 4 (WS): [K3, p6] twice, [k3, p4] twice, [k3, p2] twice, k3 (in other words, knit the knits and purl the purls).
Bring homework to class on the needles with class yarn still attached.

Pick Your Knits and Purls

When you learn Lorilee’s brand of Continental knitting, you will minimize your hand motions for a more comfortable, and perhaps speedier, way to knit. Each finger has a job to do. Understand exactly what motions have a bearing on stitch gauge (it’s not what you think!). Learn to create even knitting by sizing your knits and purls equally. Learn how your choice of tools affects your outcome. Practice the knit stitch then move on to purl, increases, decreases, and ribbing where efficiency really pays off.

Note: No previous knitting experience is needed; this class is suitable for knitters with 0–50 years experience.

-50 grams of smooth, light-colored, worsted-weight, multi-ply wool. No cotton, acrylic, single-ply, or splitty yarns.
-Size U.S. 5 to 7 (3.75 to 4.5 mm) circular needle in 24" to 40" length. Slippery steel needles are preferred. No straight needles as they will hinder the learning process.

Cast on 24 stitches and knit 4 rows. If you do not currently know how to knit, ask a friend to help you get your homework done or arrive at class 15 minutes early to receive help from the instructor.

Colors That Climb

Stranding color vertically in your knitting offers new possibilities where many colors can be worked at once! Learn how to introduce the new color strands to your work, how to work with them most efficiently, and how to adequately anchor the stitches without over doing it. One you learn the tricks in class, the technique is easy to execute and repeat. Everyone can do it.

The beauty happens in creative applications. We will work one simple stockinette motif to learn the rules, then graduate to a lace and purled version as pictured. Lastly, knitters will work their choice of the many motifs remaining in the handout. Any of the motifs can be worked into existing plain patterns without ruining the gauge or the elasticity of the fabric. Lorilee will show you how and inspire you with stacks of samples. Classes are done in both English and Continental styles.

Note: Must be comfortable working in the round at a small circumference as for a mitten or sock. You may use double-pointed needles, two circulars, or the magic-loop method (without assistance). Some experience with two-handed color work is a plus, but not necessary.

-Completed homework still on the needles
-Tapestry needle

With any color of worsted-weight yarn (such as Cascade 220) from you stash and size U.S. 5, 6, or 7 (3.75, 4, or 4.5 mm) needles, cast on 36 stitches. Join to work in the round. Knit three rounds. Break yarn. Do not bind off.
Bring homework to class on the needles. Additional yarns to continue the project will be provided for class. The needles you use for homework, whether  double-pointed, two circulars, or one long circular for magic-loop can be used for the entire class. I find magic-loop a good choice for this class, but anything will work. Choose what you already know.

A little bit about Carson...

By day, Carson is a physical therapist who runs an ergonomics program for a medical center in the San Francisco Bay Area. Every other moment, he’s knitting, spinning, designing, teaching, writing, or otherwise up to fiber fun with a watchful eye toward ergonomics. His passion and experience in fiber arts combine with his expertise in physical therapy and ergonomics to create a unique skill set that he eagerly shares at yarn shops, guilds, and knitting events across the country. A regular contributor to Ply magazine, Carson aims to keep us all creating healthfully and comfortably ever after. Learn more at

Carson will teach the following classes...

Swatch Buckling—Swatching for Improved Posture, Comfort, and Efficiency

Bring improved ergonomics to life in your knitting technique by examining yarn-tensioning techniques, all phases of stitch formation from simple to challenging stitches, and ways to add movement to avoid stiffness and injuries caused by disuse.

Note: Must be comfortable knitting basic knit-purl stitch combinations, as well as simple cable and lace patterns.

-About 25 grams of worsted-weight wool.
-Size U.S. 8 (5 mm) needles (straight or circular).
-Bath-size towel (borrow one from your hotel room).


Socks Unraveled—Risks and Remediation for Sock Knitting

Making socks should be as comfortable as wearing them. But many sock knitters experience aches and pains while creating their fantastic footwear. Fear not! This class will teach you ergonomic basics for injury prevention and explore risks and remediation for knitting socks. A little knowledge and some simple changes will help make your body happy from head to toe.

Note: Must be comfortable knitting socks.

-Bring a sock in progress to work on in class.


Knitting Happily Ever After—An Overview of Ergonomics for Knitters

Learn how your knitting technique impacts your efficiency and productivity. A risk-of-injury assessment will show you how knitting contributes to aches and pains throughout your body. More importantly, you’ll learn how to reduce the discomfort. A little knowledge and some simple changes can keep you knitting comfortably and safely ever after.

Note: This class is beneficial for beginner to expert knitters.

-A project in progress of your choosing to work on in class.
-Bath-size towel (you can borrow one from your hotel room).


A little bit about the Knit Doctor...

Ann Budd is a freelance knitting editor, author, teacher, and designer. She has authored more than a dozen books, including the Handy Book series and many of the Style series, as well as several books on sock knitting, including Getting Started Knitting Socks, Sock Knitting Master Class, and New Directions in Sock Knitting. Ann hosts three Knit For Fun Retreats each year. Ann lives in Boulder, Colorado, and teaches workshops around North America and abroad. Learn more at

In addition to the three 3-hour classes that you'll choose, you’ll have the opportunity to sign up for one-on-one sessions of 20 minutes each with Ann (a.k.a., the Knit Doctor) on a first-come, first-serve basis. Ann will help you with anything that ails your knitting, from taking measurements and choosing yarn to finding your place in a piece gone wrong to fixing mistakes. With more than 40 years’ knitting experience, She's seen (and corrected) almost everything. Make sure to check the box on your class schedule so that an appointment can be made for you.

Accommodations and Costs
The retreat will begin on Thursday with check in beginning at 12:30 p.m. Please note that lunch is not included on Thursday.
Classes will begin at 2 p.m. on Thursday.
The retreat will end following a Continental breakfast Sunday morning. The cost for the weekend includes three 3-hour classes, an appointment with the Knit Doctor, 3 continental breakfasts, 2 lunches, 2 dinners, a SWAG bag, and fun, fun, fun!!!
Historic Port Townsend is a beautiful little harbor town with several options for accommodations. Please make your own reservations from the list below. All are within an easy walk of the Northwest Maritime Center. The Bishop and Swan hotel have graciously given us a 15% discount. When you register online (or call) Please put PTKNIT into the access code and that will guarantee you the discount. 


The Swan Hotel- 360-385-1718
The Water Street Hotel 360-385-5467
The Palace Hotel 360-385-0773
The Bishop 360-385-6122

Special Early Bird Pricing!!!

This year we're launching the registration early and offering you a chance to get in early at a discount!

Early Bird Registration of $825 will be available through November 1, 2018. On November 2, the cost will increase to $875.

Two Payment Options
1. Pay in full at time of registration. 
2. Pay a $300 deposit at time of registration, followed by two equal payments of $262.50 on November 1, 2018, and January 1, 2019.

The balance of your deposit is refundable sans a $150 cancellation fee until December 1, 2018. After that, we regret that all cancellations are non-refundable.

Registration will open August 24, 2018 at 10 a.m.


Please call The Bazaar Girls Yarn Shop at 360-379-9273  if you wish to make payments. To pay in full, register here on this page.
If you have any questions about the retreat you may call us or email us at

We are so excited to be presenting such an amazing line up for the weekend. There are many fun surprises planned for the weekend as well! We can’t wait to meet some new fiber friends.

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2 thoughts on “Getaway Retreat 2019

  • Shauna

    Hi Cindy – as soon as I saw this posted (months ago) I called the store and registered for the March 2019 event.
    Please confirm I am all set to see you at the retreat!